Saturday 21 May 2016


Fear is a companion of creativity. Often times as human beings, we tend to remain strictly in our “comfort zones” for the selfish reason of I can’t do it! never minding the truth of making fear our weapon of creativity. Creativity, so many a times is viewed as creating new ideas when it isn’t just about new ideas as you don’t need new ideas to be creative because new ideas don’t just surface every now and then. You need a new perspective to life itself. We see the world, and our work, through countless lenses of assumptions and habits ─ fixed ways of seeing and acting ─ and the ironic aspect is that we are often unconscious of them thus trading efficiency for creativity.
Experts find it hard to see a problem from an ordinary person’s point of view because they have lost sight of how much specialist knowledge they already possess
A philosopher once said “every child is an artist” meaning that children see things with a totally different perspective and in the process cross their familiar boundaries of thought. A strange sense of unfamiliarity in the familiar reveals opportunities or solutions you hadn’t previously noticed meaning that you don’t have to change what you see, you just need to change how you see them. In order to achieve this feat, you must embrace your limitations ─ the way you perceive situations should be accompanied by making conscious the thought that there should be solutions outside what I’m thinking.
An appropriate method is giving yourself demanding challenges you feel you can’t handle. Research has shown that the human brain is most responsive in a situation of fear. That is the reason why cognitive reasoning is more felt in debates because at such scenario, the brain is in a state of the fear of being challenged thereby searching both the finite restricted areas and also the infinite space of probabilities where if dismisses the use of logic and experience and uses probability to create solutions. This rarely used part of the brain is still though dependent on the level of limits it has been presented with. In application, when starting out your day, begin with something you feel you can not do and do it! You’ll find out that your thinking process during the rest of the day is improved.

Prevent fear from being a tool that is used to keep you from doing challenging task and use it as an arbitrary instrument to measure and classify the things you run from doing. If you feel that you can’t write as good as someone else, then start writing. You’ll be so much surprised at how much you can do by just doing it. Why is it that determined people are usually successful? Why is it that determined people are always courageous? Determination, courage and success are all linked by the underlying principle of embracing one’s limitations, and fear isn’t their enemy, rather is the tool used to differentiate the easy from the daunting.  

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